$UICIDEBOY$ - Grey Sheep II (2016)

$UICIDEBOY$, Grey Sheep II, Ruby da Cherry, $crim, Do You Believe In God, The Sacred, Resin, The Nail to the Cross
So, this is random, but last night, I took a piss while drinking apple juice, and fuck, dude, it's like the liquid was entering and leaving my body at the same time. It was a funny feeling. Your mission for today is to try it, or I'll get mad and remind you that you're about to start manually breathing, like I just did. Have fun!

$UICIDEBOY$, Grey Sheep II, Ruby da Cherry, $crim, Do You Believe In God, The Sacred, Resin, The Nail to the Cross

Speaking of news in my life, the solar eclipse happened today. I had my cardboard box contraption (made out of a Cheerios cereal box, and no, believe it or not, I'm not getting paid to say that) and watched the pin of light turn into a Pacman-like sphere, as I said "oh whoa, that's cool". At some point, I thought "Do $UICIDEBOY$ have a song called "Eclipse"? It seems like they would", I get in the house, and of fucking course they do. These guys probably have a song called "It's Dark at Night" or some shit somewhere in their discography. Anyhow, this mixtape, serving as a sequel to the original "Grey Sheep" has them going over more beats made by other producers, so you get to hear them go over shit that $crim had no part in making, and that, despite how much I love his production, is always cool, but there's still that level of obvious disconnect that comes from only $crim (okay, and Getter, but you know what I mean) knowing how to get the tried and true $UICIDEBOY$ magic going instrumentally. Good stuff, but it has me leaning towards some of their other stuff. On a side note: Did you know Lil Wayne brought them out on stage the other night? How fucking cool is that?!


Feel free to stream this album for FREE or buy it from $UICIDEBOY$' Bandcamp!