Lights - Daytrotter Session (2012)

Lights, Daytrotter Session, 2012, Fourth Dimension, Suspension, Where the Fence is Low, Heavy Rope, Siberia

Lights, Daytrotter Session, 2012, Fourth Dimension, Suspension, Where the Fence is Low, Heavy Rope, Siberia

You really have to give it to Lights: When she last performed at Daytrotter Studios, she played it -too- safely and stuck to her singles, and generally just sounded uncomfortable with the situation, leading to a lackluster performance. This time around, she basically just says "fuck it" and opens up with "Fourth Dimension" leading into "Suspension" to weed out those who didn't actually check out "Siberia", then proceeds into a single, "Where the Fence is Low".. And stretches that shit out to be six minutes long, tackling on a three minute instrumental section to the end that wasn't found on the original studio recording, and just.. God, it gives me chills, sincerely, just goosebumps on the back of my neck. The first time I listened to it, I had no idea what was fucking going on, and I guess that was her intention. The performance of "Heavy Rope" is pretty stripped down and lovely, and the performance of "Siberia"'s title-track is pretty good. I feel like I should say "pretty" a third time because holy fuck is her voice gorgeous or what? There's just so much passion to her voice when she feels like really unleashing the beast. The VOCAL beast that does VOCALS! What a performer! Wow! Listen to her do the thing! Yeah! She's doing the thing AGAIN! STAMINA!!
