$UICIDEBOY$ - Dark Side of the Clouds (2016)

$UICIDEBOY$, Dark Side of the Clouds, $crim, Ruby da Cherry, Antartica, Paper Bag Mask, praisethedevil, Cherry P.I.E.
These guys sound like they've tried to get high on Raid Roach Killer... But did they succeed?

$UICIDEBOY$, Dark Side of the Clouds, $crim, Ruby da Cherry, Antartica, Paper Bag Mask, praisethedevil, Cherry P.I.E.

I think it's really easy and even tempting to let depression overtake you and completely envelope everything you are. There have been days in my life where I've gone entire days without eating, not due to some eating disorder or whatever else, but because depression completely rid me of my appetite. Unfortunately, for a lot of us, it eventually gets to the point where you don't even feel alive any longer while desperately praying for death to extend its cold hands to lead you into a warm embrace. Some look at those hands and grasp onto them like a preteen grips onto the safety-bar during their very first roller coaster ride, some brush those hands aside in favor of grabbing life by the horns instead, and much more rarely, some people say "hold a sec, I'll brb ok?" and then go on to record a bunch of pretty good trap mixtapes where the choruses tend to be random lines from Three 6 Mafia songs where one of them is saying something about doing drugs and shooting a motherfucker.. Can you imagine which out of those types of people $crim and Ruby da Cherry are? The answer might surprise you!

Feel free to stream this album for FREE or buy it from $UICIDEBOY$' Bandcamp!