Lights - Midnight Machines (2016)

Lights, Midnight Machines, Up We Go, Running With the Boys, Don't Go Home Without Me, Meteorites, Follow You Down, Head Cold
SIT TIGHT AND LEAAAAAN!!! *drinks prescription cough syrup despite not having any symptoms of illness* Woo!! I bet Joel Osteen would've opened his doors if he knew Houston had this shit!!.. Fuck that guy.

Lights, Midnight Machines, Up We Go, Running With the Boys, Don't Go Home Without Me, Meteorites, Follow You Down, Head Cold

I know what you're saying.. "Oh WANG-DANG-DOODLE!! Lights-erino done did a new AC00STIC album of my fav tunes! I can't wait for them to sound JUST like faithful acoustic versions of her songs, much like before! YASS, BITCH!! SLAY, QUEEN, SLAY!!!!" and really, no one is lucky to know you, but what you need to know about this album is that the acoustic renditions of your favorite tunes from "Little Machines" (along with two new songs) AREN'T as simple as the acoustic renditions on "Siberia Acoustic": The songs on here might as well be new songs entirely. The chords are different, the melodies are different, and there's even some added sections that weren't in the original versions, like in "Up We Go" where she stretches that song from its original 2:52 runtime to 5:40. Wow! The songs on here are folkier than before, and she even sounds like a female country sensation from back in the 90s that your mom likes, and I respect the living hell out of her for it (Lights, not your mom) but I just -like- these tunes. Good for winding down at the end of the night (I guess, given the album title, that was intentional?) but it's not really something I'm eager to turn on otherwise. You know what I -AM- eager to turn on, though? Myself! Goddamn this fucking erectile dysfunction when I've got enough sleeping pills in me to kill a smaller man!!

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!