Devin Townsend Project - Epiclouder (2012)

Devin Townsend Project, Epiclouder, Believe, Happy Birthday, Heatwave, Socialization, Little Pig, Love and Marriage

Devin Townsend Project, Epiclouder, Believe, Happy Birthday, Heatwave, Socialization, Little Pig, Love and Marriage

Released as a bonus disc to accompany the epic and loud "Epicloud" comes a bunch of demos that Devin Townsend had kicking around, that, if I remember correctly, he didn't want to actually sell these tracks, but just throw them on a free complimentary thing, only because he didn't give as much special attention to when producing them. Well, funnily enough, Devin Townsend's demos on this album sound as great as a regular artist's finished products. Sure, there are a -few- minor blemishes on occasion that make me think "Okay, I think I get what he must've been thinking" but at the same time, holy fuck, you know? There are some GREAT tracks on here that PISS ME THE FUCK OFF with how good they are, mainly because Devin Townsend must've said to himself at some point "Eh, these are passable, I guess" and dropped some great shit without even putting in his normal amount of effort into it, and that's crazy to me, but don't get me wrong.. A lot of these songs really have no place on the original album. When you listen to this album, you'll find that the vibes of these songs just really don't mesh well with the original album at all, and they sound like they came from recording sessions of other albums. Hell, "Socialization" sounds like a fucking "Alien"/"The New Black"-era Strapping Young Lad song at points! But even more interesting than that is how much of the material sounds like it could've fit on "Ki", like Devin had it in mind to craft a sequel to that album. I mean, really, isn't "Heatwave" a sequel to "Trainfire"? But you won't find any talks about 17 year old girls showing off on webcams this time around!.. Definitely for the best.

One song I wanna throw out there just because it makes me happy is "Happy Birthday", it's just so fucking cheerful, and the fact that it's a mainly Anneke van Giersbergen-lead track really sells the message of the song to me. It sounds so pretty and sugary.. THAT IT'S DOWNRIGHT FUCKING FRUSTRATING TO ME ON THE WRONG DAYS. Seriously. When I'm mad enough to fucking run up to someone in public, tear their pants off and SCREAM into their ass, do you think I want to hear this shit pop up in shuffle? No. Fuck. I just.. Fuck. It's such a cutesy track that it makes me ready to.. It makes me ready to.. IT MAKES ME READY TO FUCKING EAT AN ENTIRE SLEEVE OF OREOS BY MYSELF BECAUSE I'M A FAT FUCK AND FEEL ACCEPTED FOR THE FIRST GODDAMN TIME IN MY FUCKING LIFE. Fuck! Look at me, everyone! Look at the fat man dance! Diggity doogity doo! You know what I'm dancing to? THE SOUND OF DEVIN TOWNSEND AND HIS GUITAR-AROO! Shibbity shobbity shabama-WAMA!!! *accidentally co-writes a new Red Hot Chili Peppers smash hit single*

*accidentally sinks into a deep-seeded drug addiction*

: (
