$UICIDEBOY$ - Grey Sheep (2015)

$UICIDEBOY$, Grey Sheep, Black Beard, The Crescent Moon and Rising Sun, Everest, Oracle, Ruby da Cherry, $crim
If the fanbase doesn't call themselves Grey Sheep, I'm gonna be mad.. I'm gonna be PISSED! That's something my friend always says. He's probably going to read this. Hey friend! Do you want to fuck my wife again? Ho ho ho!

$UICIDEBOY$, Grey Sheep, Black Beard, The Crescent Moon and Rising Sun, Everest, Oracle, Ruby da Cherry, $crim

I must admit: I haven't really been around many cockroaches in my life. Last night, I found one in my bathroom and it went under my sink where a lot of towels are, and I sprayed the entirety of the inside with bug spray (because without bug spray, bugs stay, Super Bobby taught me that) and closed the cabinets, putting something against them so they couldn't open. $crim and Ruby da Cherry would likely want to be stuck in there so they could finally fucking die, or they'd probably flip the bug spray upside down and spray it directly in their mouths to try to get high AND die at the same time. Have I used this analogy before? I don't know. Fuck you. Anyhow, this mixtape is unique for them in the way that they aren't rapping over $crim's production, but rather, production that (I think) was submitted to them by their fans. Truth be told, if I didn't know that, I don't know if I would've even noticed, because most of these beats (aside from the frantic synths in "Let 'Em Burn") kinda sound like $crim's work, which makes part of this feel kind of like a missed opportunity, but you gotta take what you can get. I think they do pretty well over these beats, and it's a pretty good mixtape, but I just wish the beats were further removed from shit I could hear $crim cooking up in his DAW, instead of sounding like if you searched "$UICIDEBOY$ TYPE BEAT" into YouTube.


Feel free to stream this album for FREE or buy it from $UICIDEBOY$' Bandcamp!