Ramirez & Genshin - LEVI x GENSHIN (2015)

Ramirez, RVMIRXZ, Genshin, Levi x Genshin, mixtape, G59, Cuban Links, Killing Spree
The title of this mixtape sounds like the title of some anime that people would recommend to me a million times over the years, but would be fuckin' lame by the time I finally end up watching it.

Ramirez, RVMIRXZ, Genshin, Levi x Genshin, mixtape, G59, Cuban Links, Killing Spree

"Whoopty friggin' doo I love taking a big ol' poo" I say as I evacuate my bowels into the toilet, sounding not much unlike a Wecamewithbrokenteeth song. You know what DOESN'T sound like Wecamewithbrokenteeth, though? Ramirez, because it'd be -really- fucking weird if he did. Anyhow, on this mixtape, Genshin produces for Ramirez, resulting in some of his most creative beats yet, such as the instrumental interlude "Cuban Links" which samples "Saria's Song" from "The Legend of Zelda" because why the fuck not, and it actually sounds pretty fucking dope. There's really not much I can say about this mixtape, but one thing is for certain, and that's that my dad doesn't love me. Aside from that, I definitely wouldn't mind hearing Ramirez over more of Genshin's production, mang. Das sum good shit nawmean? Uh oh, my time playing "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" has bled itself into my vocabulary!! ALL WE HAD TO DO WAS RUN A TRAIN ON YOUR FUCKING MOM, CJ!!!

Feel free to stream this album for FREE or buy it from Ramirez's Bandcamp!