$UICIDEBOY$ - KILL YOUR$ELF Part VIII: The $eppuku $aga (2015)

$UICIDEBOY$, KILL YOUR$ELF, The $eppuku $aga, Tempura, Bag$, Kamehameha, Vietnam, The Seppuku Saga
I'm kind of like your cringeworthy behind-the-times uncle when it comes to internet memes. I still think it's funny to say "I'm about to commit sudoku" because.. Why not?

$UICIDEBOY$, KILL YOUR$ELF, The $eppuku $aga, Tempura, Kamehameha, Vietnam, $crim, Ruby da Cherry

As of writing, I've tried cherry pie for the very first time tonight. It was cold, from a convenience store, and inside of a small little cardboard box. If that isn't American as fuck, I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is about me, but whenever a friend from another country visits America, I have to clarify "Don't worry, the water is safe to drink here" no matter if they're even from fucking Canada. It's just funny to me. I wish $UICIDEBOY$ would clarify why they keep on pushing out so many chill songs as opposed to songs that'd make me want to drink Monster and fight my old youth group leader. Sure, "Tempura" and "Vietnam" both have some good sub-bass but the songs just don't really hit that hard, and in the case of the former track, the synth kinda reminds me of drinking Arizona Iced Tea.. And I've never even drank it, or any form of tea at all. God, life is so fucking weird sometimes.

Feel free to stream this album for FREE or buy it from $UICIDEBOY$' Bandcamp!