Lil Wayne - The Leak (2007)

Lil Wayne, The Leak, EP, I'm Me, Gossip, Kush, Love Me or Hate Me, Talkin' About It
When I was a young lass, I once purposely pissed the bed because I wanted to watch an episode of "The Simpsons" that was up past my bedtime and I wanted a reason to sleep on the couch. Man, I was a little shit.

Lil Wayne, The Leak, EP, I'm Me, Gossip, Kush, Love Me or Hate Me, Talkin' About It

Things haven't been good for my stepdad lately. The other night, he had gotten drunk, fell, hit his head and bled from it but was ultimately okay. We were scared as fuck and I wanted to call 911, and my mom said, panicking all the while, "We can't afford to take him to the hospital!!" and it really made me think about America's healthcare system, with how we were afraid to get help for a family member because we were afraid of getting financially fucked for money we don't even fucking have. It's fucked. During the middle of this, MTV was playing some live footage from the band Eagles of Death Metal performing their song "So Easy" and it was partially due to the context, but I remember thinking "this is a fucking terrible band" as the repetitive nature filled the atmosphere while I was slowly realizing that I am potentially losing a father figure. Then the next day, Bill Paxton died and it hurt him because he grew up with him and I never even knew that. Life is just fucked up and I don't understand it, much in the way that I don't really understand how Lil Wayne could put out a song with a chorus as awful as the one in "Love Me or Hate Me" because it's a piece of shit. People will tell you that "I'm Me" is the best song on here, but for me, it has to be "Gossip" or "Kush", which isn't saying much because none of these songs are really that great, but they generally have their time and place, much like our existence on this giant rock floating through space, which is pretty crazy shit when you stop to think about it.



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