Necro - I Need Drugs (2000)

Necro, I Need Drugs, first album, The Most Sadistic, Ill Bill, rapper
Necro, I Need Drugs, first album, The Most Sadistic, Ill Bill, rapper

This is one of those albums where the album cover(s) perfectly represents what the actual music sounds like: Dirty as shit.

Necro, rapper, horrorcore, Ron Braunstein, I Need Drugs, The Most Sadistic

Necro's a bit of an oddball in the hip-hop scene, with most of his fans being metalheads who don't normally listen to hip-hop, only having been turned on to his music because of his gorey lyrics, occasional metal instrumentals, and other stupid shit like that. I guess there's one audience you can easily tap into if you ever need cash, huh? Thankfully enough for my ears, this album is actually pretty damn good!

Hip-hop beats can be described quite well as drinks. The beats on Kanye West's 2010 release "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" can be described as a really expensive wine with some caviar as an added delectable. The beats for most trap artists can be described as a glass of Grey Goose vodka straight, no shotgunning or chasers. The beats for "I Need Drugs" by Necro can be described as a healthy, nutritious protein shake of gasoline and piss, served with leaking batteries instead of ice cubes, but in a good way! The production (handled by Necro himself!) is raw and excellent, along with the awesome, charismatic rapping, despite the slight lisp he has.

What is "I Need Drugs" like as an actual album? To sum it up briefly: Extremely profane, sexually explicit, brutally violent, and I love it. From the beginning track "The Most Sadistic" featuring his older brother Ill Bill (who renegades the shit out of Necro on every track he appears on this album) is a great opener to brace you for the rest of the album, but even that can't help prepare you for the aggressive "Your Head Fuckin' Split" that'll make you wanna go back to highschool just to beat the living shit out of the guy who made fun of you that one time. You know who I'm talking about.

Our boy Necro ain't just got an erection for violence, but an erection for SEX! Imagine that! "Hoe Blow", "Get On Your Knees", "Fuck You to the Track" and the delightful bedtime story of "S.T.D." are sure to moisten up your girlfriend's loins and keep her from cheating on you for at least another two weeks, and if she does? I'm sure (if you're an easily impressionable retard) you'll get an idea from the rest of the album on what to do.

The only part where the album really suffers is the three freestyles at the end that were recorded on the radio, which are kinda neat, but considering it's just Necro freestyling over his own beats that are on this album, it makes you wonder just why they were included. Maybe Mr. Hyde (who's featured on two of the aforementioned freestyles) just wanted a place somewhere on the album. Speaking of awkward placements, there's also Necro's use of "nigga" that's pretty awkward to hear, almost as if you can hear him looking nervously side-to-side as he says it.

Musical quality is subjective, but one thing for sure is objective about this album: It's gorey, sleazy, and non-apologetic. What more could you want or even EXPECT from Necro?

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!