Devin Townsend - Ass-Sordid Demos 1990-1996 (2000)

Devin Townsend, Ass-Sordid Demos, Man, Ocean Machines, Promise, Amsterdam, Red Tomorrow, My Girl
Demos schmemos. When I was 15 or so, I downloaded the demo to a game called "Wet" on my Xbox 360 and it's AWESOME but for some reason I never got around to getting the actual game. It's probably just a few bucks now, too, but hey, I'm broke as shit.

Devin Townsend, Ass-Sordid Demos, Man, Ocean Machines, Promise, Amsterdam, Red Tomorrow, My Girl

With how excellent his studio albums are (at least up to this point in his discography) you'd have to wonder what it's like to sit as a fly on the wall and listen to him record, or better yet, hear some songs that got left on the cutting room floor, as if you'd stumble across some completely fucking amazing song that should've been on an album, but truth be told, only really two demos on here really grabbed me, "Ocean Machines" because it could've been fleshed out into an actual song, and "Morwar" for basically being a version of "War" from "Infinity" without the heavy electric guitar, but thank God he left some of these fuckin' demos behind, eh? "Amsterdam" will have you going "oh Devy, you're so gosh darn KOOKY aren't ya!!" and "Red Alert" will have you scratching your head wondering if he sampled some hip-hop hit-noises for some reason, but hey, "Roadkill" is a kinda funny Metallica piss-take, innit? Nothing's really horrifically bad about these demos but you can tell with most of these that they were just silly little ideas or relatively unfinished ideas. Only for the big Hevy Devy fans, and even then, they probably won't get that much mileage out of these songs.


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