Twenty One Pilots - Live at UG Studios (2011)

Twenty One Pilots, Live at UG Studios, Addict With a Pen, Car Radio, Holding on to You, Tyler Joseph, Josh Dun, Stressed Out
He finna bite that microphone.

Twenty One Pilots, Live at UG Studios, Addict With a Pen, Car Radio, Holding on to You, Tyler Joseph, Josh Dun, Stressed Out

I think life is full of nonstop acquired tastes, y'know? The other day, my mom got some almonds that were coated in dark chocolate, and she doesn't care for chocolate, but HATES the taste of dark chocolate, so she gave them to me, and they were pretty fuckin' great. I mean, I like a lot of shit people would consider foul-tasting: Dark chocolate, black licorice, the vagina of the prostitute that hangs outside of my local McDonald's, etc, but another acquired taste, so I've learned, is Twenty One Pilots, and I tried them twice before this, and my main criticism was that the production was a bit flat for my taste. Turns out, when you strip the songs down to nothing but vocals, piano, and drums, they become a fair bit better than their studio counterparts. See, without those cheap electronics in the songs, you can really hear the emotion in Tyler Joseph's voice as he sings, raps, and even SCREAMS in this band, all the while holding a steady beat on piano, as Josh Dun does the same on drums, and seeing the emotion that went into playing these songs via YouTube videos of the session helps transform them into something I can get a bit of a better grasp on. I'm not gonna act like "Oh man, this band is better than I thought! I'm a fan now!!" but for the few minutes that this session lasts, I understood more than I did before on just why their fans love them. Sure, I don't love them by any stretch of the word, and I'm still not that fond of them, but I understand, and that's something, right?
