The Devin Townsend Band - Accelerated Evolution (2003)

The Devin Townsend Band, Devin Townsend, Accelerated Evolution, Depth Charge, Storm, Random Analysis, Deadhead, Storm
Why does this and "Physicist" look like they're the title-screen for PS2 games?

The Devin Townsend Band, Devin Townsend, Accelerated Evolution, Depth Charge, Storm, Random Analysis, Deadhead, Storm

You know how in Pokemon, you could stop a Pokemon's evolution by pressing B when they were evolving? That was pretty fucked up if you think about it: Someone about to achieve greatness via something that they were working towards, and you just reach your fat little paw out and stop them from progressing at all, much like how U-God made his debut appearance on "Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)" in 1992, killing all of his spots, and has managed to churn out fucking -awful- material consistently since then. In the case of this album.. As much as I can respect it, because it's a massive album with a lot going on in it, I don't know if Devin Townsend's music really evolved since previous outings. I mean, sure, he's evolved a really James Hetfield-esque vocal delivery in a few songs ("Depth Charge" is a prime example) but other than that, what's really changed? You could say "b-but he doesn't NEED to change" but he consistently has up until now and is working with an entire fucking -band- full of new blood. Sure, the material's good, but to me, despite how everyone will hype this album up, it's not -great- and I do feel like Devin hadn't brought forth his best work with this release. It's disappointing to a degree, but at the same time, it's really not. Sure, he made another good album, but it's just "good" to me, past all of the little production tricks and how complicated some of the music can be. I still fuck with it but it's definitely not the go-to album that I'd recommend to people wanting to check out his music.

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