Lil Wayne - Da Drought 3 (2007)

Lil Wayne, Da Drought 3, mixtape, Black Republicans, Forever, Crazy, President, I Can't Feel My Face
When it Waynes, it pours.

Lil Wayne, Da Drought 3, mixtape, Black Republicans, Forever, Crazy, President, I Can't Feel My Face

When I was about 8, my older sister started dating a dude without knowing about his violent past and couldn't cut him off immediately (she was scared for her life, but he never ended up hurting her, thankfully), and he thought he'd impress her by going to church with her, to show that he was a new man. The preacher announced, after a prayer/"come to the altar" session that two people were now saved and this dude yells out "YAHOO!!" from the back row. Some people saw that as sacreligious, but honestly the dude was just stupid as shit and didn't mean anything by it, so I don't think he really deserved to be hounded by fellow church-goers for his fuck up. Anyhow, something else that's considered sacreligious is to not suck the dick of this mixtape relentlessly. Sure, Lil Wayne goes HAM lyrically in nearly every track (fuck the cover of Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy" tho) but have you listened to this mixtape recently? There's a reason why people don't go over any of these beats for mixtapes now or even just a few years after: A lot of these beats are DUST AS FUCK! You can just imagine the dust floating into the air from every single fucking hit of the snare! God, fuck mid-2000s southern hip-hop because that shit certainly didn't age well, and nearly every southern hip-hop song that starts out with a sample of a horn is a tell-tale sign that the song you're about to listen to is gonna be complete fucking shit. Wayne's one of the GOATs but some of these beats are WOAT.

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