Childish Gambino - Kauai (2014)

Childish Gambino, Kauai, Sober, Retro, Pop Thieves, 3005, The Palisades, Poke
So is it pronounced as "Kawaii" or what?

Childish Gambino, Kauai, Sober, Retro, Pop Thieves, 3005, The Palisades, Donald Glover

For the best birthday of my entire life (and really, the best day of my life in general) back in 2015, I went to a junkyard of sorts with my girlfriend and two close friends, a junkyard that this dude actually made a fuckin' architectural piece out of that you could explore from the inside, and it was fuckin' AWESOME, incredible to look at and explore, and at one point we started singing "Sober" only to have it be continued on by another random guy who was there who we didn't even see in there. That was awesome and I don't even remember what he looks like but I still write short erotic novels about us both meeting by chance and fucking right by the random toilet filled with rubber ducks. Okay, I'm joking: I don't fucking imagine the rubber ducks being in the toilet, what are you, insane? I mean, at least you're not insane to have put the mouth-breather poster-child Jaden Smith on TWO of the tracks on your EP to deliver boring monologues about being awkward with a girl his age, right? Look, Gambino and I have some shit to work out between the both of us, and a problem we run into is quality control. The first three tracks, and the last are pretty alright but the other four are forgettable as fuck. I've listened to this EP in full several times in one single listening session and I can't imagine ever returning to half of this, and the good tracks aren't even that great, even though "Retro [ROUGH]" instantly made me go "OOOOHHHH" because it's basically a remake of his older song "Love is Crazy (feat. Eugene Cordero)", but the rest.. Ugh. I don't even know anymore.

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!