$UICIDEBOY$ - Now the Moon's Rising (2015)

$UICIDEBOY$, Now the Moon's Rising, $crim, Ruby da Cherry, Paris, album, Dejection, Gutting Catfish
A phrase as equally terrifying: "Now my dad's drinking"

$UICIDEBOY$, Now the Moon's Rising, $crim, Ruby da Cherry, Paris, album, Dejection, Gutting Catfish

How about that? "Paris" is one of, if not THE most famous song by this duo, and I don't really care that much for it. Not even trying to be edgy in some kind of "u kno their most popular song isn't their best, right?? check out this deep cut that was only put on as a b-side to a single they released exclusively to Japan", I just think it's not even in my top 15 songs I've heard by these guys, genuinely. This album is pretty good: 20 minutes of that "hey, check out this CREEPY piano and Three 6 Mafia sample, uh oh, here comes the SUB-BASS" music that teenagers I know dig, but it's really not their best, and I can't really imagine anyone picking this over "Eternal Grey" which pretty much does everything this album does but better, and has a MOTHERFUCKING DENZEL CURRY FEATURE! I fucking LOVE that guy! And my girlfriend loves FUCKING that guy! Wow! What a life I live.

Feel free to stream this album for FREE or buy it from $UICIDEBOY$' Bandcamp!