Devin Townsend - Unplugged (2011)

Devin Townsend, Unplugged, acoustic, Coast, Kawaii, Ih-Ah, Ghost, spatula
Take your fuckin' plugs out, SC3N3K1D

Devin Townsend, Unplugged, acoustic, Coast, Kawaii, Ih-Ah, Ghost, spatula

If there's one thing I like about Devin Townsend, it's basically fucking everything, but if there's another thing I like, it's his use of ambience, which I admit could be a bit much on both "Ki" and "Ghost" if you just wanted to hear the man himself, but on this album, Devin Townsend is unplugged (did you know that?) and ready to fuckin' soothe you to sleep without need of anything other than his guitar and his amazing singing, but let it be known, there's still a lot of natural ambience on this album: I don't know how he has his acoustic guitar configured, but it sounds like there's a shitload of reverb on it, and as such, he manages to create quite a nice ambient setting using nothing other than his guitar itself, which has quite a warm sound. It turns out, when you have someone as talented as Devin Townsend, maybe just sitting them down in a room with an acoustic guitar can be enough, especially when it's properly recorded (read: not on some shitty microphone on your iPhone) for the holes in your ears. Still, your enjoyment of this will come down to how much you like the idea of Devin Townsend performing songs acoustically, and while I like it, it makes me eager (more than anything else) to turn on basically any other album he's recorded. That being said: Good stuff.

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