Lil Wayne & DJ Drama - Dedication 4 (2012)

Lil Wayne, DJ Drama, Dedication 4, No Worries, Green Ranger, Don't Like, Same Damn Tune, Mercy

Lil Wayne, DJ Drama, Dedication 4, No Worries, Green Ranger, Don't Like, Same Damn Tune, Mercy

I sure do like me some Weezy when it's some GOOD Weezy, and I'll say that despite what people try to tell you, this is some good Weezy. NOW, I'll have it on the record that it's not GREAT Weezy, but still, when the main problem with this mixtape (which, by all means, is a notable problem, don't disregard it) is that some of the beats sound (audio quality-wise) like they were ripped from YouTube videos, then I guess that's a good thing for Lil Wayne, considering problems he's had before. Sure, not all of the songs are that great, but there's a lot of good material here that'll make you oddly nostalgic for 2012, especially when this dude is fuckin' rapping over Chief Keef's "I Don't Like", because abso-fucking-lutely everyone was in 2012. Sure, Lil Wayne raps an AWFUL lot about Trukfit on this album in between trying to tell you dick-jokes, but I don't think it's that bad. Hell, you could make a fucking drinking game out of it and be absolutely shitfaced before you even reach the midway point of the mixtape! One time, I drank a shitload over at my dad's house and threw up all over his rug, and he STILL gives me shit for it, years later! Motherfucker (literally, heh) it's just a shitty rug! It looked better WITH that hard lemonade and pizza mosaic my stomach made, and you want to prove SOME FUCKING POINT to me about how I can't handle my alcohol?! FUCK YOU, I made that shit a custom-print!!


Feel free to check out this mixtape for FREE on DatPiff!