Jay-Z - Pre-Reasonable Doubt Demo (1995?)

Jay-Z, Reasonable Doubt, Pre-Reasonable Doubt, Demo, tape, mixtape, 1995, 1988
There's REASONABLE DOUBT that the BLUEPRINT to this AMERICAN GANGSTER's career isn't as good as DOGGYSTYLE! HAHA! Wait.. Oh.

Jay-Z, Reasonable Doubt, Pre-Reasonable Doubt, Demo, tape, mixtape, 1995, 1988

No one knows when the fuck this demo came out. Some say that this demo was released in 1988, according to two websites I found, but I don't know just how much I trust that, because his rapping style sounds too advanced for the time, I can't think of ANY other rapper that was rapping like he was on this demo, but hey! Maybe I'm just fuckin' ignorant, but regardless, the theory that it came out in 1995 is a lot more believable to me. Anyhow, Jay-Z flows like fuckin' water on this demo, and can spit some HOT FUCKIN' FIRE WOW LOOK HOW FAST HE RAP y'know? But the beats sound like shit, possibly due to damage that the demo had taken over the years, and thus it's really not the greatest thing you could listen to (but that holds true for everything that isn't the sound of a death metal vocalist passing a kidney stone) but it's still interesting to see where he came from and all that shit. I had some caffeine pills and nearly an entire pot of coffee 40 minutes ago and I feel like I can't really concentrate. Did you know I have hair? Like a LOT of little hairs. God I am an abomination.
