Logic - Young Sinatra (2011)

Logic, Young Sinatra, mixtape, One, Shine On, Sell Out Records, Mixed Feelings, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II
Don't fuckin' pull Sinatra into this.

Logic, Young Sinatra, mixtape, One, Shine On, Sell Out Records, Mixed Feelings, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II

Logic's back with better beats this time around, I can give him that, and it makes this a fair bit easier to make it through than "Young, Broke & Infamous" despite this being an hour and almost thirteen minutes long, pretty much a half hour longer than the last mixtape, but as I listen to this, no matter how much Logic tries to make street music, or even music to get high to as stated in "Highs & Lows", I can't help but imagine a group of teenage white guys hanging out on one of their dad's yachts with popped collars listening to this shit, ironically quoting the lyrics at each other while one hands out the wine coolers. None of the tracks really stick out for whatever reason, but "Sell Out Records (Skit)" is a pretty cringeworthy skit (almost on the level of cringe that "Dumb It Down" by Lupe Fiasco was) where a dude rings Logic up and offers to sign him as long as he changes everything about him, to strip away the realism, the "smooth, intellectual lyrics" (I had to put it in quotes so you know I'm not saying it, I wouldn't be caught fucking dead lying like that) and all that to become a rapper who raps about bitches and won't be remembered in five years. Remember all those /r/lewronggeneration posts you laugh at? Yeah.



Feel free to check out this mixtape for FREE on DatPiff!