Lil Wayne - The Prefix (2004)

Lil Wayne, The Prefix, Jay-Z, mixtape, Moment of Clarity, Encore, Dirt Off Your Shoulder, Dec. 4th
We gettin' close to the good shit, but we're not quite there yet.

Lil Wayne, The Prefix, Jay-Z, mixtape, Moment of Clarity, Encore, Dirt Off Your Shoulder, Dec. 4th

Whoa, Lil Wayne is finally (for the most part) rapping with the voice I like!! And it turns out, for this mixtape, he's mostly going over Jay-Z's beats. I haven't ever been a huge Jay-Z fan (I need to get around to going through his discography) but I KNOW they bang harder than what's on this mixtape, because sound quality of the beats on here generally sucks, but thankfully, I can say this mixtape doesn't entirely suck.. But it comes awfully close! The songs are all mostly okay aside from the awful "Lucifer (Remix)" and "Hotel", but the real stand-out (positively) quality-wise has to go to the very first track "Moment of Clarity" where Lil Wayne goes pretty hard. The rest of this is pretty "eh" despite it being interesting, but dammit, it's more interesting than any of the shit in his discography before this. It could've been quite a bit better with sound quality actually worth giving a fuck about, though, and if they axed "In My Life" entirely since he seems to be rapping with his old style on that one. Can't ask for too much yet, I guess.

Feel free to check out this mixtape for FREE on DatPiff!