Ninja Sex Party - Attitude City (2015)

Ninja Sex Party, Attitude City, Party of Three, Dragon Slayer, Why I Cry, Peppermint Creams, Road Trip, 6969
The album cover is the absolute most beautiful thing I've seen in my entire life. I -NEED- a framed poster of it.

Ninja Sex Party, Attitude City, Party of Three, Dragon Slayer, Why I Cry, Peppermint Creams, Road Trip, 6969

Gonna keep this short and sweet, because if you're reading this, chances are you already know and love these guys: On this album, Daniel "Danny Sexbang" Avidan's lyrics are clever, charming, and as funny as always, but one of the things I REALLY have to give this album is that Brian "Ninja Brian" Wecht stepped his game up when it comes to actually composing the songs. Whereas before, Ninja Sex Party had this sorta feeling to their music that was entirely their own, with loud synths, intensely multi-layered vocals and a basic drum machine, they seem to have tried to jokingly emulate other artists/bands with a few songs on here. I mean, by all means, if it weren't for the lyrics and the obvious fact of "Well, that isn't the right guy singing", "When I Cry" and "6969" could almost pass as Phil Collins and Queen songs musically, respectively, and with that being said, I never knew how badly I wanted to hear Danny Sexbang cover Queen until now. "Under the Covers II" anyone? Anyhow, funny and catchy but the production definitely could use a looking at: Danny's vocals are layered so heavily that his voice is significantly louder than a fair bit of the tracks on here, but HEY! His voice is great, so it's a catch 22. Is that how you use "catch 22"? I'll tell you how I WON'T use "catch 22": In my stereo! Fuck that band! I've actually never heard them, I just don't know how to end this review.

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!