Devin Townsend - Devlab (2004)

Devin Townsend, Devlab, ambient, noise, experimental, drone, instrumental, solo album
If Devin doesn't call his personal studio a Devlab, I'm gonna be angry. Very, very angry. Like "City"-era angry.

Devin Townsend, Devlab, ambient, noise, experimental, drone, instrumental, solo album

One time, years back, I had gotten high at a river with a friend and a girl stopped to sit with us. My friend did all of the talking, as I was new to weed at the time and couldn't figure out how to form coherent sentences. At one point, she asked him "Your friend doesn't talk much, does he?" and for some Godforsaken reason, I turned to look at her and screamed "I AM VERY HIGH RIGHT NOW" and scared her. I was just trying to talk calmly but I screamed. See, I fucked up, but on the topic of other people being potheads, Hevy Devy used to love him some Mary Jane and decided to dip his toes into ambient and noise and it's just fucking shit. You have calm little moments that seem like "hey, this is some okay shit for winding down at night" and then it just comes through with some LOUD AS FUCK abrasive shit to completely fuck you the fuck up. None of this is really music in a traditional sense, more like a collection of sounds, thankfully not just screaming (FUCK Mike Patton's "Adult Themes for Voice"), but this is still just.. Fuck, dude. If I had bought this thinking that it'd be another good Devin Townsend album, I'd be pretty pissed. The most enjoyment you'll get out of this album is burning it onto CDs and leaving it in Taco Bell bathrooms for curious stoners to take out to their cars and proceed to get into car accidents by the time the noise fully kicks in.

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!