Cattle Decapitation - The Anthropocene Extinction (2015)

Cattle Decapitation, The Anthropocene Extinction, Krokodil Rot, Phil Anselmo, Prophets of Loss, Travis Ryan, Manufactured Extinct, Pacific Grim
Ah, yes, plastic forks are what's going to be the downfall of not only the environment, but the human race as well. Yep, that's it. Never considered it before, but that's undoubtedly what it is. For some reason, all this time, I thought it was global warming, but no, it's fucking plastic forks.

Cattle Decapitation, The Anthropocene Extinction, Krokodil Rot, Phil Anselmo, Prophets of Loss, Travis Ryan, Manufactured Extinct, Pacific Grim

I tripped the other day and nearly twisted my ankle. The funny thing about falling is that typically you'll hit the ground in two seconds, but time seems to slow down, and you think "man, this is gonna suck" over what feels like 5-10 seconds. I laid on the ground next to an anthill and just thought "so I guess this is how I die, huh?" until I realized that I could get up, just minutes later. Hallelujah! Speaking of triumphs, people really hyped this album up to be the second coming of Christ, because "Monolith of Inhumanity" was so good, but here's the thing: Part of the reason why that album was so good was that we didn't have anything to compare it to, and this album comes across as a sequel to that album where nothing new is introduced. Sure, Travis Ryan flexes his vocal stylings a lot more on this album, with more high-screams and even more singing than ever before, but I was just left thinking "this is good.." during it without being blown away. "Curses, MetalSucks, you've lied to me again!!" I said as I pounded on my desk, pounding extra hard for the fact that "The Prophets of Loss" features Phil Anselmo.. Just fucking talking, no screaming or anything, at least that I've noticed. To me, it's the best track on the album, but fuckin' still, dude, missed opportunity. This album is good, but it's really making me scratch my head how some people could seriously consider it better than the last album when it's so close to being the same thing, just not as memorable.

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!