Macklemore - The Unplanned Mixtape (2009)

Macklemore, The Unplanned Mixtape, The Town, At the Party, American, And We Dance, Raven Bowie, The Club
Macklemore, The Unplanned Mixtape, The Town, At the Party, American, And We Dance, Raven Bowie, The Club
Certainly sounds unplanned.

Macklemore, The Unplanned Mixtape, The Town, At the Party, American, And We Dance, Raven Bowie, The Club

On this mixtape, Macklemore seems a lot like a dude who would be fun to hang out with in real life, play video games with, etc, but you absolutely can't stand having to social media, because he'd steal quotes from comedians, or even just trending Facebook posts, and post them to Facebook without crediting the source, making it seem like he came up with whatever shit he just spewed onto his timeline. It feels like half of the album is serious shit, and the other half is like "HAHA, I'M A CORNY WHITE DUDE!! LET'S MAKE FUN OF MAINSTREAM HIP-HOP!!" and it doesn't mesh well into a cohesive experience. It's like I want to go back to 2009 to tell Macklemore "Look, you can spit a shitload of jokes like The Lonely Island, or you can be an Atmosphere clone, but you can't do both. I won't fucking let you do both." and then jump out of his window with all of his Rhymesayers vinyls. The only reason this mixtape is even getting this high of a score is because I felt absolutely nothing during it: Nothing negative or positive, it was just -there-.

Feel free to check out the song previews, read other reviews, and maybe even buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!

Feel free to stream this album for FREE or buy it from Macklemore's Bandcamp!

Feel free to check out this mixtape for FREE on DatPiff!

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