Green Day - Insomniac (1995)

Green Day, Insomniac, Stuck With Me, Geek Stink Breath, Brain Stew, Jaded, Walking Contradiction, album
Okay, not quite insomnia by any logical stretch of the imagination, but at the time of writing this review, I had been up for almost 24 hours and I was jacked up on caffeine. That makes this review oddly.. Fit? I didn't know how to use words at all, because I was at that weird zen-like state where you're wide awake but also incredibly tired, but who knew that blue Powerade mixed with Mountain Dew could taste so FUKKEN GNARLY?! \m/

Green Day, Insomniac, Stuck With Me, Geek Stink Breath, Brain Stew, Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt, Tre Cool

"Alright, so.. Their plan for a follow-up to Dookie was just to basically make "Dookie" all over again with slightly heavier guitars? Okay, I can dig that." You say to me, and I agree, but a little bit hesitantly. This album might as well have just been the second disc in a double album of "Dookie", aside from some minor musical differences. It's basically just as catchy, but with a slightly harder punch to it instrumentally, and a bit more punk rock. I mean, just listen to "Geek Stink Breath", a song that sounds like "Fuck you, mom, I'll smoke meth if I want to!!" which is basically the lyrical content anyway.

I mean, what is there to really say about this album that I didn't already say about "Dookie"? They might as well have named this album "Dookie II: Hershey Squirts" because you're getting pretty much the same shit: Raw guitar riffs, nice audible bass, catchy choruses, pretty much everything you could want from a pop-punk album, but still doesn't -quite- hit the spot as much as it feels like it should, on paper.

It's 10:32 AM as of writing and I had no idea they even made times that early.

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link! 

Click here to listen to this FOR FREE on Spotify! WOW! HOT DAMN!

Read about this album on Wikipedia! Great stuff to read while on the toilet! Yeah!