Domo Genesis - Rolling Papers (2010)

Domo Genesis, Rolling Papers, Odd Future, OFWGKTA, mixtape, Super Market, weed, stoner
This might be the most stereotypical weed-rap album cover I've ever seen that wasn't ironic or a meme. We're off to a good start!

Domo Genesis, Rolling Papers, Odd Future, OFWGKTA, mixtape, Super Market, weed, stoner

And now we're onto a steady downfall!

See, while Domo Genesis has become a decent rapper these past couple of years, some roads leading to success have rocky beginnings, and he's possibly the least-interesting and even the least-interested rapper you'll ever hear on this mixtape or otherwise. When fellow Odd Future/OFWGKTA rapper/stoner Mike G sounds like he gives more of a shit and provides more energy, that REALLY says something about your energy and charisma, or severe lack of. I get that it's weed-rap, but the dude sounds blunted out his ass this entire mixtape in a non-appealing way.

The production, handled by Odd Future/OFWGKTA leader Tyler, the Creator is pretty shitty but that's not something that was unheard of in the early days of the group. Tyler knows how to make beats for himself and Earl Sweatshirt, but he certainly has no damn experience making enjoyable weed-rap instrumentals, and probably with good reason: He's never been inebriated off of anything, so he might not have the firmest grasp on what stoners find themselves loving about weed-rap instrumentally, outside of some chill music, and it can come across as (if you remove the drums) as elevator music more than anything else, especially in the last track "Last Roll" in which I find myself close to being bored to death.

The sole highlight of the entire album, and I mean "highlight" strictly as "the one track you're likely to remember fondly" is the track "Super Market" featuring Tyler, the Creator, in which Domo and Tyler have a rap-battle based around the ridiculous premise of being angered in a line at a supermarket, before launching into an all-out assault on each other, where lightsabers and rocket launchers are not unheard of. Even if it's kinda entertaining for a listen or two, the "lol so random xDD" factor quickly wears off.

Look, I haven't smoked to this, and most likely never will, so the whole "You gotta be high" thing is lost on me, along with it being complete bullshit. Sure, inebriation can seemingly improve music, but that's just because you're in a such a fragile and curious state of mind, and if a piece of work can't stand on its own two feet for me while I'm sober, I'm disappointed in both the product and the fact that a lot of people think they need to be inebriated to make something be able to stand on its own two legs as a product.

"I can't tell if I'm asleep or awake." Domo Genesis raps on "Clear Eyes", and for once on the entire mixtape, I can relate: This shit is an audible sleep-aid! It's just boring music made by a guy who sounds like he couldn't give less of a shit about the quality, and probably can't even bring himself to eat anything without taking a huge bong-rip beforehand. Constantly high, constantly dazed, constantly monotonous.

Feel free to check out this mixtape for FREE on DatPiff!