Cattle Decapitation - To Serve Man (2002)

Cattle Decapitation, To Serve Man, 2002, album, Travis Ryan
Now ain't that something you want framed in your house? It's almost like running water to help you pee. Frame this in your kitchen to help your guests consume dinner, and make sure to frame an Emmure vinyl in your bathroom to help them with whatever issues involving shitting afterwards.

Cattle Decapitation, To Serve Man, 2002, album, Travis Ryan

Cattle Decapitation come back with a new trick up their (non-fur and non-leather) sleeves: Longer songs! A good portion of these songs go into the three minute range, and that was pretty much unheard of before because the band's main game-plan was "throw as many short songs as possible at the wall and hope some stick", but now they've got MORE to say about killing the shit out of you, and you best believe they're gonna let you know about it. You may need a translator nearby to understand what vocalist Travis Ryan is trying to convey to you, and as far as I know, Google Translate doesn't have a "Demonic Monster" translation feature available yet, but once you understand what's got him miffed, you will say "Golly gee whiz, maybe I should stop eating meat!" for an entire day!

Jokes about lyrical content aside: Damn, this band is starting to get good! It's still nothing to excitedly write home about to your mother (i.e. "Hey mom, Iraq sucks but CATTLE DECAP \m/") but hot diggity damn this music is NASTY. If this music was a girl, she'd be one nasty-ass bitch!! Deathgrind? This is more like Diarrhea-Core.. In a good way!! Some of these riffs are pretty catchy, but vocalist Travis Ryan should catch some sort of charge for making these inhuman, disgusting, but enjoyable noises over them.

At 35 minutes long, sure, there's a lot of moments I can't really say I can pick apart as being from one specific song, but this surprisingly doesn't feel like a chore to listen to. Something about it is just so.. Entertaining. Without being ultra-complicated music (even though some of the riffs are catchy and the drummer is pretty good), it's just disgustingly entertaining music, almost as if it were the audible version of one of your more disgusting fetishes. Sure, you may feel like you need a shower afterwards, but you might as well bask in the glory of it while it's on, and pray your mom or significant other doesn't walk in on you.

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!