Maldoror - She (1999)

Maldoror, She, Mike Patton, Merzbow, Masami Akita, collaboration, noise, album
Such a lovely album cover for such disgusting music.

Maldoror, She, Mike Patton, Merzbow, Masami Akita, collaboration, noise, album

Built up of Mike Patton and Japanese noise artist Masami 'Merzbow' Akita (who you're fucking delusional if you think I'm going to review his discography) comes yet another fucking awful noise album from the man I hold on such a high pedestal, Mike Patton! I know, you're thinking to yourself "all music is NOISE ya neanderthal!!" but fuck you because fuck you and also fuck you you fucking fuck, you don't know anything about noise music, but if you wanted to know, look no further than here.

Wouldn't you know it, it's shitty just like Mike Patton's other noise albums but at least Merzbow puts in a few interesting textures and scenes into the music from time to time, but I can, much like Mike Patton's other ventures into the noise genre, file this under "Albums I'll never listen to again" because it just sucks. It's awful, it's an assault on the ears, which I totally get that some people are into, but not this guy. I don't think the album really has anything going for it aside from the occasional interesting "Ooh" moment from Merzbow, and that the album doesn't benefit at all from having Mike Patton on it, because he doesn't bring anything to the table that makes it in any way more enjoyable or noteworthy in the "music" alone. It's just another album he forced himself to shit out upon the the break-up of both Faith No More and Mr. Bungle.

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