The Northern Hues - The Northern Hues EP (2005)

The Northern Hues, band, album, EP, danny, danny sexbang, daniel avidan

My dear ol' dad used to tell me "Ain't NO musicians in Philadelphia who haven't bought drugs from Vinnie Paz" but now I can tell him to STICK IT because The Northern Hues sound like they grow their own! Yeah dad, stick THAT in your pipe after you buy it from Vinnie Paz!!

The Northern Hues, band, Danny, Game Grumps, Danny Sexbang, Daniel Avidan, Daniel Leigh Avidan

The Northern Hues are a sadly short-lived indie-rock band that grabs influence from both classic rock and new wave music, and also have Daniel 'Danny Sexbang' Avidan (of Skyhill/Ninja Sex Party/Starbomb/Game Grumps fame. That's a lot of fame, share some with the rest of us, you beautiful man!) on vocals, and he does a great job at entertaining with catchy melodies, and also serves as relaxing with his calming vocals.

This album ranges from sounding like perfect music to tune up your car to, or just to put on quietly in the background to relax during dinner time with family or friends, because I can't see anyone actively disliking this, and if they do, then damn, send me a picture of that shit so I can see it.

Things get oddly psychedelic sounding in "Out of the Black Sea" with the keyboards sounding like they took a cue from The Doors, and later on in the song, heavy reverb (?) is put on the guitar, and basically the song ends up sounding pretty much like how the album cover looks. I love it when that shit happens, so hopefully the cover of the next Kid Cudi album is just a picture of a trainwreck.

Something is quite lovely about the music, and the same can be said of his next short-lived project Skyhill, but this isn't quite on the same level. Still, a pretty damn good album for laying back in your chair and relaxing to, or even just driving down the highway, blaring in your vehicle. Who cares if I haven't tested that because I never leave my house? Use your damn imagination!

Feel free to check out/buy the album via my Amazon Associates link!