Ninja Sex Party - NSFW (2011)

Ninja Sex Party, band, album, NSFW, Danny Sexbang, Ninja Brian, Daniel Avidan, Brian Wecht

What would a real ninja sex party look like? Is that even possible for any of us to know? It might be invisible for all I know, but damn, that's a DVD I wouldn't mind ordering for $29.99 off of my mom's credit card without her knowing. If she finds out and is mad about it, I'm sure I could make up some story from my childhood that'd make her feel bad about everything and have a drink. With the rate of me making her regret her entire life every night, the liquor store really should give me a commission pay.
Ninja Sex Party, band, album, NSFW, Danny Sexbang, Ninja Brian, Daniel Avidan, Brian Wecht

Comprised of the magical superhero Daniel 'Danny Sexbang' Avidan on vocals and wielder of the mighty genitalia to only be referred to as 'Excalibur', and the deadly assassin Brian 'Ninja Brian' Wecht who is RIGHT BEHIND YOU on everything else, Ninja Sex Party is a dream come true. Your girlfriend's dreams, but still.

Juvenile humor, loud 80s-influenced pop, and at times overly-dramatic vocals. It shouldn't work, but dammit, somehow it just does. It's not going to be the best album you've ever heard in the genre of comedic music, but I'll be damned if it doesn't have its own unique charm. Whether it's the silly concepts of making a song about dinosaurs in space having a fight with lasers, appropriately featuring Arin 'Egoraptor' Hanson on dinosaur growls, or the creative idea of "Objects of Desire", in which vocalist Danny Sexbang talks about fornicating with objects around your house, including the clever lyrics of "I put my package in your mailbox, made love to all your chairs, dropped a load inside your washer, I went down on all your stairs", TRY not getting an awkward erection! But if you do, Ninja Sex Party has you covered with "No Reason Boner"... And hopefully you have it (literally) covered as well.

The album doesn't hide behind its humor for its replayability, with some catchy as shit songs and fun, uplifting instrumentals, the combined efforts of Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian manage to get stuck in your head (and also receive it from your girlfriend) pretty easily. Danny Sexbang's voice is great, and Ninja Brian's instrumentals always fit, even in more down-tempo tracks, such as "I Just Want to (Dance)" and "Accept My Shaft" that make you want to do a little jig with your legs under your desk, and also accept shafts. Not just any shafts, but theirs. I mean, come on, according to these guys, who else's smelly little giblets are worth it?

Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian's comedic personalities come across as complete 180s, but also shows off their bond as best friends. Best friends who constantly make fun of each other, but best friends nonetheless. Somehow, just somehow, the album takes humor that you'd normally groan (don't say "scoff" you 15 year old suburbanite bastard) at, and presents it in a charming, almost lovable way. Sure, you can be pretentious and shove it aside because of its comedic nature, but maybe you're taking it too seriously, which is exactly the opposite of what Ninja Sex Party wants.

And Ninja Brian will kill the shit out of you.

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!