Say Anything - Junior Varsity (2000)

Say Anything, Junior Varsity, ep, 2000, the last great punk song, dreaming of manhattan, she got away, high school low

Say Anything is a band that says stuff, but they won't just say anything, they say stuff that makes you stalk your ex-highschool classmates on social media! Just be sure not to accidentally hit the "Add Friend" button when caught up in your fantasy of performing an incredible song by yourself at a highschool talent show.

Say Anything, band, Max Bemis, pop-punk, emo

Does vocalist Max Bemis always sound like a weird, emo version of Scott Stapp from Creed? I keep expecting him to burst out into a cover version of "Higher". Don't believe me? Listen to "Dreaming of Manhattan", or hell, any of the songs from this EP! They're all pretty swell and attack the emotions you had when you were 16 like it owes them money!

Like for example, "She Got Away" is a track about an ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend, and how much it hurts to see them together. Say, that sounds familiar.. Hey! The guitar riff mildly sounds familiar! WAIT! THIS IS JUST "DAMMIT" BY BLINK-182!! THE BASTARDS!! Ah well, you can still jitterbug to it so who the hell cares.

Say Anything? More like Sing About Anything Other Than Your Awkward Teenage Years Because it's Bringing Back Bad Memories That're Making Me Want to Down an Entire Bottle of Whiskey With the Last Six Xanax I Have Left!! Okay, that may be a bit wordy, but I'm sure me and the Bemis can work it out. That's more than he can say about him and his ex-girlfriend on this EP right?! BAM!

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy the compilation album they appear on using my Amazon Associate link!