Death Grips - Jenny Death (2015)

Death Grips, Jenny Death, The Powers That B, Inanimate Sensation, On GP, Pss Pss, I Break Mirrors With My Face in the United States, Nick Reinhart
Death Grips, Jenny Death, The Powers That B, Inanimate Sensation, On GP, Pss Pss, I Break Mirrors With My Face in the United States, Nick Reinhart
JENNY DEATH NOW. Or really, Jenny Death over a year ago when it was released. I'm so late to the party that the house I was supposed to be going to was sold, and it wasn't even a house: It was a cardboard box in an alley way! LSD is some powerful shit.
Death Grips, Jenny Death, The Powers That B, Inanimate Sensation, On GP, MC Ride, music video, shoegaze
"Jenny Death" is noticeably much more rock-oriented than previous releases at times, and even explores some new ground, which I guess isn't a surprise because it'd be weird if a Death Grips album didn't. The band even enlisted the help of (but didn't recruit) Nick Reinhart and Julian Imsdahl to play electric guitar on this album to add to the grit of the tracks, much like how the distorted guitar sample of "Rise Above" by Black Flag was awesome in "Klink" from "Exmilitary". Now, this album? The opening track.. I'm sorry, but despite the name, "I Break Mirrors With My Face in the United States" is probably the weakest opening to a Death Grips album, at least up to this point in their discography. That's a song title that "You Might Think He Loves You For Your Money But I Know What He Really Loves You For It's Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat" REALLY deserved more than what it actually is! MOTHERFUCKER! At least "Inanimate Sensation" is fucking GREAT and is quite possibly the best Death Grips song overall, because it shows pretty much nearly everything they're capable of in six minutes, complete with heavy drumming. Speaking of heavy drumming, for a band with Zach Hill, he had been pretty calm for the most part on previous albums, and while that still hasn't entirely changed, he rips "Centuries of Damn" a new asshole!!

"Pss Pss" is catchy as shit and is pretty hip-hop oriented musically, which can be rare for the band, and is probably the best song about pissing on someone's face that you'll ever hear, especially since (in my erotic fanfiction) MC Ride pisses blood. I don't care if that hasn't been confirmed, don't fucking kill my novel with FACTS, you asshole!! Some other noteworthy moments are "The Powers That B" that'll have you repeating MC Ride's lyric of "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" when the loud beat fully kicks in, and holy shit, it'll KILL your eardrums!! If you feel like killing ALL of yourself, though, "On GP", which stands for "On General Principle" is a shoegazey song that deals with suicide, and is a big departure from their normal sound, but damn, some of the lyrics really hit home: "All the nights I don't die, for you. Wouldn't believe how many nights I ain't died for you on GP. Not that I care, I'd be a liar if I sat here claiming I'd exit in a minute, but I can't say I wouldn't I have my limits" and I totally relate to that because I wanna die and shit, but I don't REALLY wanna die and shit, you know? You know.

Generally, it's a good album, but it doesn't quite stick with me the way that I had hoped for in the middle of whenever the hype for whether this album was ever even gonna drop. Even disregarding the hype, it just doesn't reach the same level of quality that "The Money Store" or "Niggas on the Moon" did in catchiness or atmosphere (for the most part, of course, there's still moments that shine on this album) and while I'd happily recommend it to any Death Grips fan, recommending this to a person who hasn't ever heard them probably would yield zero positive results. Still some catchy songs, still abrasive, but at this point in their discography, I guess nothing's shocking, and that's a bit sad. Ah well, no sad cums on my part, bb, I mean, I was only listening to Death Grips, not masturbating while thinking about everything that went wrong in my life! Ah, fuck it, I feel it coming on. If you need me, I'll be in the bathroom.

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album as part of the "The Powers That B" double-album using my Amazon Associate link!