Death Grips - Bottomless Pit (2016)

Death Grips, Bottomless Pit, Eh, Hot Head, Giving Bad People Good Ideas, Spikes, Warping, Ring a Bell
"That's where their music belongs: A fucking bottomless pit." My friend told me. "I've came on my own chest before." My friend told me months before.

Death Grips, Bottomless Pit, Eh, Hot Head, Giving Bad People Good Ideas, Zach Hill, MC Ride, Andy Morin

It's really kind of amazing: Death Grips have such varied albums before, and this album seems to combine elements from nearly every single one of them! You've got the catchiness of "The Money Store", the heavy electronics of "Government Plates", the sometimes calm vocal delivery of "Niggas on the Moon", the continued use of guitar from "Jenny Death", the heavy drums from "No Love Deep Web", the general hip-hop vibe of "Exmilitary", and even the glitchy natures of "Fashion Week" and "Interview 2016" show up to rear their heads. Instead of creating an entirely new sound for this release, they simply combined the rest of the sounds they've used to make some pretty kickass songs. The only really -new- sound I can think of comes in the way of "Giving Bad People Good Ideas" in which it starts with a guest female vocalist singing that acapella rather awkwardly, like at a karaoke bar, and then when you least expect it... BLACK METAL BLASTBEATS AND A LOUD AS FUCK GUITAR!! Death Grips made their own attempt at black metal and it fucking DESTROYS YOU!! IT WILL FUCKING -KILL- YOUR EARDRUMS IF YOU HAVE YOUR SOUND UP AND DON'T KNOW WHAT'S COMING!!

Pretty much all of these songs are pretty good, but if I had to put just three tracks into the spotlight as special shout-outs, "Giving Bad People Good Ideas" is an obvious choice due to how different and fucking CRUSHING it is, the second would be "Spikes" which is catchy as shit, the third would be "Warping" which really has a bass-heavy feel, and the fourth (even though I said "just three", I'M the boss here, not you) would be "Ring a Bell" which is HEAVY but also really catchy with its synthesizers! By combining most of their old bags of tricks, they've created what is undoubtedly their most varied album to point, and spoiler alert: I fuck with it. There's something here for -every- Death Grips fan, no matter what you like them for. Hell, you even get your meme-fix with the title track's boasts of "I'LL FUCK YOU IN HALF" and do you know how easy that'd be for MC Ride to do?! Have you SEEN him?! He could completely ANNIHILATE me!! That isn't an offer, that's just what I assumed. I'd be much too afraid to let MC Ride have his way with me.

This album is heavy as shit, catchy as fuck, and [adjective] as [curse word], what the hell are you doing NOT listening to this? I bet you're doing stupid shit like coming home from your well-paying job to have sex with your sexy wife in a house you own. Fucking pathetic piece of shit.


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