Death Grips - Interview 2016 (2016)

Death Grips, Interview 2016, instrumental, EP, Matthew Hoffman, MC Ride, Zach Hill, Andy Morin
Kinda looks like like a young Rick Astley, doesn't he?

Death Grips, Interview 2016, instrumental, EP, Matthew Hoffman, MC Ride, Zach Hill, Andy Morin

We (I say "we" because I like to imagine I have friends from time to time) ain't reviewing no gosh dang interview, but a work of music called "Interview 2016".. Hmm. A video was uploaded to YouTube supposedly of an interview with Death Grips, but then it turned out to be silent footage of an interview with instrumental music placed over it, sorta like a companion piece to their instrumental release "Fashion Week" but I'd say this one is even more electronic-based, but not necessarily better. It's a fun little teaser for what's to come, but ultimately the songs don't really do anything for me, especially since they're instrumental and thus no MC Ride, but it's interesting for what it is. The songs sound kinda glitchy, kinda like as if Aphex Twin collaborated with the band, and Zach Hill loses his shit on the electric drums at a few points, most notably in the final track "Interview F", but really, this ain't what you listen to Death Grips for and you know it, but they also know it, which makes this release pretty punk rock in spirit, but still pretty "meh" standing on its own merits. Hell, without some of the more abrasive moments, it almost sounds like "Interview A" could've been used as background music for "Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes".. I fuckin' loved that game. I don't really have a way to play my PS2 anymore and I think my copy of the disc got scratched to oblivion over the years due to my own negligence. Fuck my life.

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!