Childish Gambino - I Am Just a Rapper (2010)

Childish Gambino, I Am Just a Rapper, mixtape, My Girls, New Prince, Bitch Look At Me Now, 49ers, I Love Clothes
I had thought the album cover was of him in the bathroom taking a shit for YEARS because I had just seen the thumbnail. There's a phone on the wall! God! Who has a phone in their bathroom?!.. A FUCKING KINGPIN!!

Childish Gambino, I Am Just a Rapper, mixtape, My Girls, New Prince, Bitch Look At Me Now, 49ers, I Love Clothes

I had managed to escape the Childish Gambino craze that was created from his break-out single "Bonfire" by staying cozy under my rock late 2011. Sometime in early 2012, someone asked me "Have you heard Childish Gambino's earlier mixtapes? He fucking raps over "My Girls" by Animal Collective!" which instinctively caused me to ask "What?" and they continued with something to the effect of "Yeah! He even raps over "Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bear for a track" and that had gotten my attention even further, prompting a more erratic "What?!" and then the person continuing: "Right?! He even fucking raps over "Crown on the Ground" by Sleigh Bells, for God's sake! It's crazy!" which prompted me to yell "WHAT?!" because I had no idea what the fuck was going on: My ears were clogged to shit. Thank God for Hydrogen Peroxide, right? Anyhow, the concept of hearing a nerdy guy like I was (and sadly still am) rap over indie tunes I dug enticed me to seek out Childish Gambino's music in the first place, or at least what I think is the first place. Who knows, my memory is shit, but this mixtape ain't, I can say that.

Childish Gambino decided to lessen up on the whole "I'm gonna rap like I REALLY need a tissue" and comes across perfectly as what he was at that point in time: A nerdy person who loves music and browsing blogs on their laptop, just like you and me. Sure, he continues on with the mistake of letting DC Pierson appear on not just one, but two tracks on this mixtape, maybe as a joke of "haha, listen to how awkward this white guy is" but I'm just not sure. Anyhow, along with a bunch of punchlines, this mixtape finds Childish Gambino talking more about personal shit, but nothing really much worth noting as a particularly noteworthy subject, just kinda "Yeah, I'm becoming more grounded" stuff in comparison to his weird constant boasts on earlier mixtapes, and in a way, it kinda grounds me too, because this mixtape hits me with nostalgia of days where indie music ruled all. Hell, I even listened to "My Girls" by Animal Collective right before leaving for my grandmother's funeral in early 2012 just because the optimistic and upbeat nature of the music comforted me. That being said, Childish Gambino doesn't exactly ride easily over it.. But hey, I guess it was a way of getting heard in a sea of other rappers at the time, right?

When you combine a relatable nerdy guy with happy indie music in 2010 (well, 2012 when I heard it), then you've got a happy younger me. I can acknowledge this as not exactly being a great mixtape that'll be talked about even five years from now, because it's not even ever really mentioned by anyone now, but it holds a special spot in my heart for the younger me (hell, I'm even just talking four years ago!) who would rather zone out while laying back in his bed on a sunny day, listening to all of his favorite songs, occasionally talking to friends on MSN Messenger, thinking "man, my life is shit" but secretly having fun, not at all aware of what the later years would bring in terms of depression and isolation. I wish I could hug that guy, sometimes, maybe if even just to feel a human body against mine.

But HEY! Childish Gambino!! Good stuff.

Feel free to download this FREE album from Forever Childish!