Murder Construct - Results (2012)

Murder Construct, Results, Travis Ryan, Cattle Decapitation, Nader Sadek, Compelled by Mediocrity, Leon del Muerte, deathgrind
A fucking floating pyramid with an eye. Really?

Murder Construct, Results, Travis Ryan, Cattle Decapitation, Nader Sadek, Compelled by Mediocrity, Leon del Muerte, deathgrind

Ah, Burger Conduct, how I wish you were so much more than you are.. This album has a really raw production style that just doesn't do anything for me, despite it being heavy, it just kinda sounds like it's holding the songs back from being some shit that would really knock the piss outta your dick and into your Superman undies, and that sucks because Travis Ryan is still a fucking GREAT metal vocalist, he's definitely in my top 5, but he can't really save this for me because he's so buried in the mix that you REALLY have to listen for him most of the time, and I think it's a bit cringeworthy how the lyrics to "Compelled by Mediocrity" hate on deathcore and djent (okay, djent isn't a genre, I get it) bands to such an extreme "DAMN KIDS STAY OFFA MY LAWN!!" when I can name quite a few deathcore and djent albums that are better than this, and the idea of metal being some elitist thing that needs to be guarded and protected by "posers" is just really fucking dumb in general, especially when the only place that you'd even hear those bands in this day and age is if you actively chose to seek out their music via the internet, or had an annoying friend, in which case, yeah, fuck that friend, but come on, dude. That gripe aside, the album just sounds kinda uninspired to me, no matter how much work went into it. It sounds like they focused on trying to be the heaviest shit out there and didn't really put much effort into making their songs distinguishable from each other. It'd probably be a lot of fun to hear live, but as a standalone product I'm just not really feeling it.

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