New Found Glory - Nothing Gold Can Stay (1999)

New Found Glory, Nothing Gold Can Stay, first album, Hit or Miss, It Never Snows in Florida, 2's and 3's, Winter of '95, The Goodbye Song
That's the same mindset I have when breaking into people's houses!

New Found Glory, Nothing Gold Can Stay, Hit or Miss, Jordan Pundik, Chad Gilbert, Ian Grushka, Cyrus Bolooki, Steve Klein

So, my loyal reader, I trust that you finally engraved my name into somewhere on your body with a knife since my last New Found Glory review, and if you don't do it now, don't worry, the brainwashing will kick in soon. I've been leaving subliminal messages in these shitty reviews all along! That's why you keep coming back to this shitty Blogspot!! Anyway, anyhow, anyNewFoundGloryworthgivingashitabout?? YOU BET YOUR ASS!! As you may recall if you're literally the only person who's read that review, I wasn't a fan of their debut EP at all, but on their debut album, while New Found Glory ain't perfect by a longshot, this is finally the audible form of insecurity that I can really get lost in my feelings to! I used to be REALLY FUCKIN' DEPRESSED and listen to "Sticks and Stones", y'know? I'm still really fuckin' depressed but not as much as before! GOTTA KEEP ON LOOKIN' ON THE BRIGHT SIDE!!

(This is the best blog you will ever read, holy shit!!)

I may be slightly paraphrasing, but as I recall, my dad used to always tell me "Believe it or not, these BASTARDS got'n good after that first EP! And you should hear their bassist, he even gets the chance to shine on a few of these tracks! It's still relatively raw pop-punk, but if you dig shit like "Dude Ranch" by blink-182, then this is right up your alley. The insecure lyrics, the catchy singalongs, the nice bass licks, everything you'd expect from a pretty good pop-punk album is right here, even if it doesn't always hit the spot with every single attempt at making you want to call up your ex-girlfriend and ask her what she meant by certain shit she said. You can even quote some of the lyrics to her and say you came up with them, because that's how I got your mother! She seriously thinks I penned the lyrics to "Bohemian Rhapsody" while on a cruise with Freddie Mercury! HA! THAT HARLOT! Anyway, you're doing just fine in life. I just want you to be happy. I love you."

(Be sure to like the official Curbstomp Chronicles Facebook page if you're cool, but I doubt you are)

NEVERMIND! I just checked in with my dad and he said "What? I've never heard of that shit. I just always told you that you wouldn't realistically amount to anything above retail." so I guess that's an OOPSY-DIDDLES moment on my part!! Golly gee whiz, I just totally blacked out and imagined that I had a father who believed in me. Anyway, what was I saying? Oh. This album, while good, is quite away from being golden, but that's good, because that means the album can stay, and that's perfectly okay with me.

(Dad just FUCKING BELIEVE IN ME!! You were the wind beneath my wings :( What happened?)

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!