Death Grips - Live From Death Valley (2012)

Death Grips, Live From Death Valley, 2012, Poser Killer, Fyred Up, EP, single, concert

Better than living in Meth Valley, I guess.
Death Grips, Live From Death Valley, 2012, Poser Killer, Fyred Up, concert, MC Ride, Zach Hill

Just like the Carly Rae Jepsen review that I posted earlier (can't you see the musical similarities?), I don't really have much to say about this. I have no idea if it's a live.. Album? EP? Single? THERE'S ONLY TWO SONGS ON HERE AND IT HAS A RUNNING TIME OF ALMOST 3 MINUTES! The two songs are exclusive to this.. Whatever it is. The songs, "Poser Killer" and "Fyred Up" are pretty aight but being so short, and of low quality, it's hard to really formulate a descriptive opinion of them. If you like the really raw shit from "Exmilitary", get it, otherwise you'll be disappointed and probably confused. Where is Death Valley? Is that the valley where all of the Death Grips are from? Holy shit this band is spooky
