Weekend Nachos - Demo (2004)

Weekend Nachos, first album, first demo, band, live, grindcore, powerviolence

Weekend Nachos sounds like it'd be the name of some shitty "DEFEND POP-PUNK" band but they're POWERVIOLENCE and that's something that'll make you want an HOUR OF SILENCE!! I hope Top Dawg Entertainment signs me soon or I may have to give up on this whole multi-rhyme shit and actually get a job.

Weekend Nachos, first album, first demo, band, live, grindcore, powerviolence
Man, ain't this some SHIT? Terrible sounding recording quality that sounds like.. Like... Like it's a demo! A demo of a METAL BAND!!

The vocals sound like you trying to talk while groaning during the process of trying to take a shit while constipated, but holy shit, the high screams are HILARIOUS! It sounds like someone trying to imitate a high-pitched girl's voice. Were they trying to be funny with this or was it just an unfortunate thing no one really pointed out? I'd love to hear the story behind this, and if powerviolence often has vocals like that in their music. I guess that's what that lil' ol' comment section down there is for, huh?

The album ends on a sludgier track entitled "Observer to the Death of My Former Friend" and it stands out by being the most punishing track, both musically and to the listener, as it is almost FOUR minutes long, and that's like three hours in grindcore! Er.. Powerviolence. I'm not TOO sure on the difference and I'm afraid to ask my mom. You should've seen how frustrated she was that one time I had to ask her to explain the difference between deathgrind and goregrind!

The entire thing is just a piece of shit, but it's not the shittiest piece of shit I've ever heard due to the unintentional (or perhaps intentional?) hilarity that destroyed my sides as I listened. Too bad that alone can't save the demo, or even my parents' marriage, because THEY GOT DIVORCED SIX YEARS AGO!! THANKS FOR ASKING.
