Starbomb - Starbomb (2013)

Starbomb, album, Ninja Sex Party, Game Grumps, Egoraptor, Danny Sexbang, Ninja Brian, I Choose You to DieStarbomb, Ex Plus Alpha, Ninja Sex Party, Game Grumps, Egoraptor, Danny Sexbang, Ninja Brian, I Choose You to Die
People who don't like the yellow Starburst are literally Hitler. That has nothing to do with this album but I just want you to know that.

Starbomb, album, Ninja Sex Party, Game Grumps, Egoraptor, Danny Sexbang, Ninja Brian, I Choose You to Die

It's no secret that I like Ninja Sex Party and was a bit disappointed by the last album of theirs I reviewed, "Strawberries and Cream", and it's also no secret that I'm a huge fan of Game Grumps, so the idea of Ninja Sex Party teaming up with Arin 'Egoraptor' Hanson joining together for a new band called Starbomb sounds like a great idea, right? Well.. Great on paper, not great in my headphones.

See, it's basically a Ninja Sex Party album so there's the signature synth-heavy pop music, but they have Egoraptor rapping over them with Danny Sexbang singing the choruses, but the problem is, when it comes to Ninja Sex Party, Danny Sexbang can write about a ton of shit, even immature shit, and find clever ways to say it, and that combined with his majestic singing voice makes the music great on a comedic AND musical standpoint, but it seems like Egoraptor doesn't really have the same level of cleverness or even variety of subjects to talk about, because all of the songs on here are full of Egoraptor rapping about video game characters getting into extreme situations with a shitload of profanity, but it loses its charm pretty quickly if you're not super into video games, which, mind you, I used to be! I bet I would've loved this album if I had heard it when I was 12 years old, but as it stands, this is just a Ninja Sex Party album that had potential but ultimately ended up just being about video game characters while screaming profanities.

And that's not saying that Ninja Sex Party are above being immature and profane, because they're DEFINITELY not, but it's really no contest about who I'd rather listen to: Danny Sexbang's 80s-pop styled voice singing smooth verses and ballad choruses, or Egoraptor yell-rapping profane stories about video game characters getting into various adult hi-jinks, often being profane as all hell for no reason but just to be. This, of course, coming from a huge Game Grumps fan (can't even begin to imagine how many of their videos I've seen and loved) who loves everyone involved in this project, I just can't see myself returning to this anytime soon, even if it still has a bit of a good charm to it, especially coming from this lovable trio.


Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!