Kitty Pryde - D.A.I.S.Y. Rage (2013)

Kitty Pryde, rapper, album, Kathryn-Leigh Beckwith, D.A.I.S.Y. Rage, Daisy Rage, EP, Dead Island

Kitty Pryde, rapper, album, Kathryn-Leigh Beckwith, D.A.I.S.Y. Rage, Daisy Rage, EP, Dead Island

Kitty Pryde was aware she had dropped several classics that easily took the spot of hip-hop's holy grail from "Paul's Boutique" by Beastie Boys, "Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)" by Wu-Tang Clan, and "Illmatic" by Nas, and she's here to drop another classic.. But surprisingly, this classic is GOOD!! Color me pleasantly surprised and also with red skin because I burn easily as hell, but this EP/album/whatever really surprised me with how charming it is!

The opening track "UNfollowed" sees Kitty Pryde improving her flow from previous outings, has a good beat to go with it, and is catchy! It's reminiscent of the theme of "Okay Cupid" with the whole "I want a boy I can't get" but it has a bit more personality in it and not as quite "I just woke up" as before, with her saying "And then what? What then? Um, I'll blubber to my friends and let them say "FUCK MEN!" By that, they mean you, how rude, FUCK THEM right?" but along with that song, Kitty's personality helps carry the entire EP along, but even if they didn't, there are some damn good beats to be found here that seem to especially tailor Kitty's style, such as the poppy "☠DEADISLAND☠" in which she states "You don't know why all the boys flock to me? Bitch, draw your eyebrows on, then talk to me." and you won't find gangsta rappers like the ICE CUBE saying that shit!!

This EP is something on paper that I think I'd dislike, but her voice fits the beats like a glove, she's entertaining and charming, and when's the last time you heard hip-hop like this? Non-serious calm raps filled with teenage angst and an odd sense of humor, with good beats = A very pleasant surprise. My parents announcing to me they were getting divorced a week before my 15th birthday and that mom was leaving the house the day after my birthday = A fucking TERRIBLE surprise! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BIRTHDAY BOY!! YOU GET TO WATCH MOM DRIVE OUT OF THE DRIVEWAY BECAUSE SHE'S LEAVING!! AT LEAST YOU'LL ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS BIRTHDAY!!

Feel free to stream or download this album for FREE from Kitty Pryde's Bandcamp!