Bring Me the Horizon - Suicide Season: Cut Up! (2009)

Bring Me the Horizon, Suicide Season, Cut Up, Remix, Oli Sykes, Chelsea Smile, The Sadness Will Never End, Diamonds Aren't Forever
Ever tried to cut up a plastic package containing an item you had just bought, and cut your hand on the plastic? Yeah, don't do that shit anymore, people love you and stuff.

Bring Me the Horizon, Suicide Season, Cut Up, Remix, Oli Sykes, Chelsea Smile, The Sadness Will Never End, Diamonds Aren't Forever

It's no secret that I wasn't exactly a big fan of "Suicide Season" and felt that it was lacking in a few areas, but the idea of a remix album is kinda interesting because "mixing metalcore with electronic/dubstep?!" but as soon as the first track fully kicked in, I felt as if I had made a mistake, but that's cool, just gotta ride it out and hear some interesting sounds, right? Well, as it turns out, screamed vocals in electronic/dubstep (it varies, y'know?) doesn't mesh well with it at all for the most part, as if trying to cram the triangle block into the circle hole.

Some of the remixes just hurt my ears with ear-piercing sounds or even the all-around awful "Diamonds Aren't Forever (I Haunt Wizards)" leave a bad taste in my mouth to the point where I found myself asking "They really COULD have done something about that, right? This was intentional??" and that sucks ass, but "Football Season is Over (After the Night)" isn't one I'd be against hearing again, though, so into the magical shuffle playlist it goes! "No Need For Introductions (Benjamin Weinman)" is pretty interesting, though, because it's none other than Ben Weinman of The Dillinger Escape Plan! Sounds like it could've been an instrumental industrial interlude on one of their albums.

What's pretty funny in the way that it's not really funny but mildly entertaining to me and me only is the fact that there's a track called "The Sadness Will Never End (Skrillex aka Sonny)", as in THE Skrillex, Sonny Moore of From First to Last fame, back around the time he was first dipping his toes into the water, and it ain't bad, it's got a catchy bit, but it ain't really that great either, which can be said about a lot of the material on this album: Ain't bad, but given the source material, it's hard to make good remixes with screamed with vocals. Instrumentally I'm sure this album still wouldn't have blown me away, but at least I wouldn't have to hear Oli Sykes scream in my ears about depression over bass drops, right? I'M TRYING TO DO COCAINE OFF OF A TOILET, OLI, NOT DOWN THIS ENTIRE BOTTLE OF XANAX!!

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