Beartooth - Sick (2013)

Beartooth, Sick, Caleb Shomo, Attack Attack, I Have a Problem, Go Be the Voice, Pick Your Poison, Set Me on Fire
Sick RIFFS that is! Well, RIFF! There was one that was pretty good! I think!!

Beartooth, Sick, Caleb Shomo, Attack Attack, I Have a Problem, Go Be the Voice, Pick Your Poison, Set Me on Fire

Beartooth, consisting solely of ex-Attack Attack! vocalist Caleb Shomo on this release is a metalcore band that everyone says is "hardcore" instead of metalcore, and while that doesn't really matter at all, it sure got me riled up a few years ago when I was insecure as shit and cared too much about shit that doesn't matter. It sure is a good thing that I can't feel emotions anymore!!

Opening track "I Have a Problem" lyrically deals with having the balls to admit that you're suffering from alcoholism and is actually a pretty alright song. It's got a catchy chorus, even if it does break away from the rest of the song like the typical day-and-night/bad-cop-good-cop routine... Hell, all of these songs do! They all pretty much sound the same and follow the exact same rules of screaming shit that tries to be inspirational, leading into poppy choruses that funnily enough sound like they were ripped straight out of "The Flood" by Of Mice & Men.

The lyrics can be cheesy as shit (i.e. "Go be the voice of God, go live a life putting death to shame" from "Go Be the Voice") but are generally kinda catchy, even if they take a few chapters from the book of "Modern Metalcore 4 Dummies" too closely to heart, but the joke's on YOU, Caleb Shomo, because Austin Carlile co-wrote that shit!! Ho ho ha ha!!

Truth is, the first two songs on this EP are pretty catchy, but the other two just don't stick with me, or should I say STICK STICKLY with me!! Haha, get it?! IT'S A FUCKING MEME!!.. Or something! It's something, alright.

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!