Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Honky Reduction (1998)

Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Honky Reduction, album, grindcore, Scott Hull, Jay Randall, Empowerment
I bet this was Azealia Banks' favorite album until she listened to it!!

Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Honky Reduction, album, grindcore, Scott Hull, Jay Randall, Empowerment

Aaah grindcore, what the hell am I supposed to do with or without you? Without your over-the-top drumming and incomprehensible vocals, how was I to ever gain the knowledge to attend Harvard without your guidance? Ah well, allow me to paint a scene for you in your head: It's Saturday night, you just watched Crank, you do a line of coke and get ready to go to your ex-girlfriend's house to fight her new boyfriend and shit on his chest, but you need something to play in your truck's stereo on the (short) drive over.

This is your soundtrack.

Built up of guitarist Scott Hull and vocalist Jay Randall, this (as of this album) grindcore duo is interesting, but not very welcoming or accessible. You can tell they made this album because they wanted to make it, not because they wanted anyone to listen to it and rejoice (read: jerk off relentlessly on the SevenString forums) over their newest musical discovery.

The album sounds like shit and the songs are shit and my life is shit. I can't recommend this to even be your token grindcore album to pull out on vinyl anytime your grandma asks you to "put that groovy shit on" because it sucks, and maybe that's the point, but if so, it's an inside joke I'm not in on. The only track I can even really enjoy is "Empowerment" due to its short but brutal nature, and don't get me STARTED on those drums, boiii! This entire album's percussion section is them pushing a drum machine to its limits, and the snare sample sounds awfully cartoon-ish. Shit reminds me of a Hanna-Barbera cartoon for some reason.

It's all fun and games in short, SHORT doses, but these guys really do know how to make an almost 18 minute long EP seem like an eternity when listening to it on the toilet. I'd almost rather hear myself shit out those tacos I had yesterday! I'd happily replace the smell in the room with the smell of the band members, however, because they look like they smell like a mixture of gasoline and cigarette smoke, whereas my shits smell like death incarnate.

Oh yeah, by the way:


Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!