Jedi Mind Tricks - The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness (1997)

Jedi Mind Tricks, Vinnie Paz, Stoupe the Enemy of Mankind, first album, The Psycho-Social Chemical Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness, Ikon the Verbal Hologram
These guys have the most hilarious fanbase, because you can just say "Ugh, nerdcore" when their name is brought up and their fans get MAD AS DICKS. At least as mad as mine: Spitting mad!!

Jedi Mind Tricks, Stoupe the Enemy of Mankind, Vinnie Paz, first album, The Psycho-Social Chemical Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness, Ikon the Verbal Hologram

Jedi Mind Tricks, built up of (on this release, anyway) rapper Vinnie Paz and producer Stoupe the Enemy of Mankind (catchy, ain't it?) are a love 'em or hate 'em type of group depending on who you talk to, especially on this release, because unlike the (often comically over-the-top) violent nature of their later releases, this album aims to make you feel smart by occasionally understanding a science reference Vinnie Paz & friends make, and if that doesn't sound like an entertaining time, know that it's just a -little- more entertaining than it sounds. No promises, however.

The production is pretty much just raw, ambient beats similar to early Wu-Tang Clan's, almost like Stoupe the Enemy of Mankind listened to RZA's production at ear-deafening volumes every night, so the album almost sounds like a love letter to RZA at times, except not on the same level of quality, be it content or even sound quality, because this is as raw as my dick was after I found out about stuffed crust pizza. I am fat.

On the rapping side of everything, Vinnie Paz sounds different on this release than anything else that Jedi Mind Tricks has released, and his lyrics generally tend to be "ooh, I paid attention in class instead of selling [insert drug], so I'm smarter than you" or some shit about how his rapping ability is Godlike. I wish someone would've pulled Vinnie Paz aside and said "You're trying a bit too hard, champ." because this is some BORING shit to hear rapped about!!

The standout track of the entire album has to be "Get This Low" featuring Black Thought of The Roots, and later-member Jus Allah, who also hilariously doesn't sound absolutely anything like he does on any other Jedi Mind Tricks release. Everyone does a good job on the track, the beat is good, and the chorus has Wu-Tang Clan samples in it, but that's really the best track on the entire album, like a turd-stained pair of underwear in a sea of diarrhea-covered thongs. Okay, it's not that bad, but would YOU let that comparison go if you just randomly came up with it? It's fucking terrible and completely non-memorable, but at least I'm hammering it into your mind right now.

Feel free to check out the song previews/buy this album using my Amazon Associate link!