Cage - For Your Box (2000)

Cage, Cage Kennylz, Chris Palko, For Your Box, Eminem, Slim Shady, Agent Orange, Radiohead
Cage, Cage Kennylz, Chris Palko, For Your Box, Eminem, Slim Shady, Agent Orange, Radiohead
You know you're listening to an album early in a white rapper's career when they're tossing around "nigga" or you learn that they're just socially retarded like Necro.

Cage, Cage Kennylz, Chris Palko, For Your Box, Eminem, Slim Shady, Agent Orange, Radiohead

Chris 'Cage Kennylz' Palko has had a hell of a life, just read his Wikipedia entry, there's everything from being forced to help his dad shoot heroin, being abused by his uncle, and even being kept in a mental health hospital for years just because his parents didn't want to deal with him. As you can imagine, he isn't exactly the happiest camper around, but he gets by. Maybe he gets by with drugs and killing prostitutes, but we all gotta cope somehow, right?

To be honest with you, because I'm never anything but, except when I'm not, this mixtape really ain't that great, and is mostly just a teaser of great things to come. Sure, there are some interesting moments on this album, like "Adlibs in my Head", "Radiohead", "Crazy Men Ahead Freestyle" and the Eminem diss "Bitch Lady" but the audio quality of everything makes it take a major blow. Even the underground classic "Agent Orange" is here, but it's plagued by a long as shit instrumental intro, I guess for ambience, but given the low quality of it, and the fact that it lasts for like three years before getting into the part of the song you want to hear, it's much more of an annoyance than anything else.

Like I said, it's just a cocktease of what's to come, really. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing nothing. There can't be nothing of nothing, can there? Something to think about for like a second!

Feel free to stream this album for FREE or buy it from Cage's Bandcamp!