DJ Drama & Lil Wayne - Dedication 2 (2006)

Lil Wayne, Dedication 2, 2006, Get 'Em, SportsCenter, Cannon, Best Rapper Alive, Georgia Bush
DEDICATED 2 THA MOTHAFUCKIN GRIND when it comes to "Fallout: New Vegas"!! God, it takes fuckin' forever to level up to 50. You have to keep on pressing the "select" button to wait three days just so you can farm that location with all of the geckos. Pop pop, motherfucker.

Lil Wayne, Dedication 2, 2006, Get 'Em, SportsCenter, Cannon, Best Rapper Alive, Georgia Bush

When I was an ickle bickle baby (12 or so), I was pretty dedicated to getting the invisibility suit (or whatever it was) in "Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence", but I never did because fuck shooting all of those frogs. Now, if we want to talk about someone who's dedicated to shooting motherfuckers, we'd have to turn around this conversation back to Lil Wayne. As far as this mixtape goes, I'd say it's better than the previous "Dedication", with more songs I generally like, like "Workin' 'Em" and "Sportscenter", but ultimately, Lil Wayne can't make beats from over ten years ago -that- enjoyable to me in this day and age. Man, hip-hop back then.. Ringtone rap everywhere, and yeah, Lil Wayne makes the tracks more enjoyable than the originals, but really, I think even I could, and I can't rap worth a fucking shit, dude. I mean.. Have you SEEN my lyrics? Fuck. I had a lyric about me and my friend fucking the same girl at the same time, him in the front, me in the back, and some metaphor about how she's a hammock because she's between two trees (our "wood") and really, that doesn't sound too outta place to be on this mixtape, except I don't have Lil Wayne's signature lyrical charm. Ah well, can't win all of 'em.. There's a reason why I'm Drake's ghostwriter and not Lil Wayne's, I guess.

Feel free to check out this mixtape for FREE on DatPiff!